Today’s blog will go over some important questions to ask a louver contractor from Hercules Custom Louvers.
You have to know what you are getting into if you’re installing louvers, fences, gates, and other kinds of physical barriers onto your commercial facility and residential properties. The installation process can be long, so it is smart to be informed. If you have already decided on a construction contractor for a brand new job on your property, there are a few questions you should be asking before the job starts. Read on to learn about some important questions to ask a louver contractor from Hercules Custom Louvers before the next installation project.
How Much Experience Do You Have Installing Louvers?
Make sure that you’re doing your research and reviews before you go and sign a contract with a contractor of any kind. Make sure to ask them how long they have been working and how much real experience they have working in their field or industry. Although their business could be new, their owner or boss should be well-versed within their craft. This could be not just from custom louver installations but also HVAC setups, general construction projects, or gate and fence installations.
Ask to See if the Louver Contractor Has Insurance of Contracting Licenses or Other Certifications
Don’t ever work with a contractor if they can’t prove that they’re a real professional. If they’re not willing to show you their certificate of insurance and contracting license, then this is a big red flag. Without proper insurance and certifications, how can you ensure they are trusted to finish your job without any hiccups? Do not forget to ask them about this before you get into the main parts of your job.
Will the Louver Contractor Arrange for Inspections and Get the Right Permits?
Although not every single job in the world requires permits, a good amount of them do. If you are going to work with a louver contractor, you have to know just which permits are needed and the process for having all inspections completed. Luckily for you, the contracting team at Hercules Custom Louvers will know which state and local regulations are required before starting work on your project, so you can depend on us.
What is the Projected Timeline for the Project?
It is important to know that you’re all on the same page with your contractor regarding the timeline for the project. Keep in mind that any types of unforeseen circumstances and repairs might affect this timeline too.
When you are ready for quality louvers, the professionals at Hercules Custom Louvers are ready to help. For more information and to learn how we can meet your custom louver needs, contact Hercules Custom Louvers online or giving us a call at 1-800-331-2590. We will ensure your investment serves your property for years to come! For updates and to see projects we’re working on, visit us on Facebook, Twitter, Twitter, YouTube, and Pinterest.